Join us Wednesday, September 7th from 12:30pm-1:30pm CST for our Sediment Control Solutions Webinar! Our webinars are for answering questions, sharing technical information and collaborating on projects, plus attendees receive a PDH certificate for attending.
Sediment Control Solutions Webinar Registration - We're hosting a free webinar on sediment control solutions. Sediment control has become a big part of the construction process. It is a requirement of the Clean Water Act to keep our waterways and the area surrounding jobsites clean. Bill Murphy, P.E. and Don Thieman, CPESC are hosting this webinar full of sediment control solutions. We will provide a breakdown of best management practices and discuss product solutions for each sediment control application. Don & Bill will inform attendees on the difference between products, when to use them, and what is the best solution for different scenarios. We hope you walk away from this webinar with a "toolbox" full of sediment control solutions for any project you encounter.